We permanently remove odors so you don't have to.
Neutrolene is a chemical neutralizer that permanently removes all organic odors on contact. Unlike our competitors who mask and deodorize odors, Neutrolene neutralizes and eliminates odors.
Since 2012, Neutrolene has been in funeral homes in over 40 states,and is also in Canada, Mexico, Australia and the United Kingdom. Neutrolene was nominated for the 2013 Innovative Award at the National Funeral Directors Association Convention, and continues to amaze funeral directors daily with the ability to neutralize -- not mask or deodorize -- the smell of decomposition.
Neutrolene can also be used in first call removal vehicles, commercial transport services, embalming preparation rooms, refrigeration units, locker rooms, laundry, and a variety of other uses.
UK CUSTOMERS: dodgeco.com
Distributors in the United States:
-The Dodge Company
-Pierce Companies
-Southland Medical Corporation
-Ward Transportation and Supplies
- Mortuary Mall

As families rush to get in that last long weekend or that final get away before summer ends and the kids get back to school, don't forget the NeutrOlene -- before storing that closing up the RV until your next trip, your pop-up trailer, hiking backpacks and camping tents. Same for bedrolls, hiking boots, pool shoes and sandals.
“Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it.”
― Patrick Süskind, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
The toasty days of summer bring more sweat with activities, indoors and out. Mixing with our bodies' bacteria, certain odors can't be avoided...unless you have NeutrOlene handy. Think about it. Instead of masking those odors, neutralize them, getting totally rid of them -- in your rolling stock, personal vehicles, closets, carpets, furniture upholstery, restrooms, toilets, you name it...so don't endure those unpleasant seasonal odors. Make NeutrOlene a daily habit!
Boats, floats and camping gear: Vacation is just around the corner. Time to take your "summer toys" out of storage to get ready for some fun in the sun. That means it's also time for NeutrOlene spray -- to get rid of those musty odors. It also works on mildew, too, cleaning and deodorizing those cushions, chairs and umbrellas for patio and outdoor living. Don't let those nasty odors spoil your first camping trip, first ski trip to the lake or that first party on the patio. Just keep NeutrOlene handy. You -- and your guests and family -- will be glad you did.
What the heck is "Nosing?" As I learned recently, a glass of wine - believe it or not -- has a "nose" and it's very important to the taste of the wine, or any wine for that matter. My friend at winefrog.com said "nose" is a wine tasting term that describes how wine smells in the glass. My friend also said different wine grapes produce different aromas and the "nose" is affected by how the wine is made and stored. "Nosing" or smelling a wine is important because most of our perception of taste comes through our sense of smell.
This month, we introduce to you a brand new addition to the NeutrOlene product line!
Due to increasing popularity for products such as NeutrOHang, NeutrOGran and NeutrOlene Spray, we decided to bundle the three together into a convenient starter kit!
We at NeutrOlene are excited about welcoming our two new "babies" into our family of products. The Mini-Hang will be available the first quarter of 2017 and will be just as effective as the original size -- just smaller, and perfect to insert in body bags, to use in vehicles of all types, smaller refrigeration units and spaces where odors collect throughout the funeral home. Shoot us an email or give us a call if you are interested in purchasing the Mini-Hang.
Celebration clean-up: There's always one, a friend or relative who may or may not drink too much but who inevitably spills their drink -- red wine or hot chocolate -- on your new tablecloth or your beige carpet. Time for NeutrOlene!